Who can be accredited

Find out what organisations are eligible to apply for, and maintain, accreditation

To be eligible for accreditation, your organisation needs to meet certain criteria.

To check your organisation is eligible please complete the Eligibility Check form

We will check that the information you provide meets the eligibility criteria and confirm your eligibility within 10 working days. If eligible, we will send your organisation an invitation to complete the application process.


Please note:

  • Accredited providers need an NZBN. We use this as the identifier for your organisation and to confirm your legal entity.
  • Anyone who supplies services is a business under the New Zealand Business Number Act 2016. Accredited providers supply social services.

Eligibility criteria for accreditation

To be eligible for accreditation, your organisation must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • have a contract, or negotiating to deliver social services for one (or more) of the following government agencies:
    • Department of Corrections - Ara Poutama Aotearoa
    • Ministry for Pacific Peoples -Te Manatū mō ngā Iwi ō te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa
    • Ministry of Housing and Urban Development - Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga
    • Ministry of Justice - Tāhū o te Ture
    • Ministry of Social Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora
    • Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children
  • provide inter-country adoption services
  • provide out of school care and recreation programmes (OSCAR), or
  • be a community service provider for the purposes of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989.

Additional Criteria for OSCAR programmes

OSCAR programmes must also meet additional criteria around:

  • site/venue
  • fees, and 
  • hours of operation. 


Accreditation is site-specific. If your organisation operates OSCAR programmes out of more than one site, we need to know all the locations for these.

Sites do not include places visited from time to time for activities.


OSCAR programmes must receive income from parent/caregiver fees or contributions.

Hours of operation

OSCAR accreditation applies to programme operations between 6.30am - 7.00pm.


Some OSCAR programmes operate camps or overnight stays outside of the 6:30am – 7:00pm hours. The Outdoor Pursuits and Camp Programmes for Children and Young People specialist standard will apply in this case.

Specialist standards

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