OSCAR accreditation resources

Useful links and information to help OSCAR providers meet the accreditation standards

Page contents


Accreditation Standards for OSCAR providers

Applications for OSCAR accreditation

OSCAR Accreditation Processes  

Home-based OSCAR programmes

Resources for meeting Social Sector Accreditation Standards

OSCAR Funding and Subsidies

OSCAR Communities


Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) providers deliver before and after school care, holiday programmes, and camps for children aged 5 to 13 who are enrolled and attending school (or children aged up to 18 years if they are eligible to receive a Child Disability Allowance).

Te Kāhui Kāhu is unable to provide any assurances for OSCAR services delivered by organisations who do not have accreditation. 

Accreditation Standards for OSCAR providers

Applications for OSCAR accreditation

To become accredited, an OSCAR provider needs to be able to meet:

Level 3 Social Sector Accreditation Standards

Level 3 Specialist Accreditation Standard: Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) programmes

Where applicable, OSCAR providers will also have to meet:

Level 3 Specialist Accreditation Standard: Outdoor Pursuits and camp programmes for children and young people

Apply for Level 3 OSCAR accreditation

Level 3 Home-based OSCAR Accreditation Application Form

OSCAR Accreditation Processes

Ceasing to operate an OSCAR programme

If you no longer want to run your OSCAR programme, you will need to let us know. Find out how to relinquish your accreditation below:

Relinquish your accreditation

You may also want to contact Work and Income about subsidies and grants so that you do not incur a debt. 

Home-based OSCAR programmes

If your organisation is a home-based early learning provider licensed by the Ministry of Education (MoE), you can be accredited to deliver a home-based OSCAR programme.

Home-based OSCAR providers undergo an assessment process that takes into account that they have already met MoE’s licensing criteria. There are still accreditation requirements that you need to meet before becoming accredited. These requirements must be met as well as having an assessment review.

Home-based OSCAR application

You will be assessed on the information you provide by completing the following form:

Email it to accreditation@tekahuikahu.govt.nz


Note: If you are a Home-based OSCAR organisation, you do not require a site visit. However sometimes you may be required to have an on-site assessment to clarify information or respond to concerns raised during the desk-based assessment. 
If you have any questions about this process, or the information you are required to provide, please contact us on at accreditation@tekahuikahu.govt.nz 

Resources for meeting Social Sector Accreditation Standards

OSCAR Funding and Subsidies

An OSCAR provider must be accredited to provide subsidised OSCAR programmes. See the Work and Income website for information on the OSCAR subsidy.

Having accreditation does not guarantee funding. For any OSCAR funding queries and information, please see the Work and Income website:

For more information about OSCAR Funding and Subsidies you could also contact the Work and Income OSCAR team: Email OSCAR contracts

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