Social Worker Registration Compliance and Support

Find out about our Social Worker Registration Compliance and Support function and who to contact if you have concerns.

The Social Workers Registration Act 2003

The purposes and function of the Act are to:

  • enhance the professionalism of the social worker sector
  • protect the safety of members of the public
  • require registration and practising certificates are held by those who:
    • claim to be a social worker
    • are practising as a social worker.

The Act requires anyone presenting or practising as a social worker to be registered with the Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB). Only people registered as a social worker may use:

  • the title ‘social worker’
  • descriptions stating or implying that a person is a social worker.

The Social Workers Registration Board

The SWRB administers registrations and practising certificates. 


If you have concerns about a registered social worker, it is important that the SWRB is notified. You can contact them through their website:

Social Workers Registration Board (Link 1)

Concerns may include:

  • their competence
  • their actions
  • whether or not they currently hold a practising certificate.

Our role

We take the lead on responding to concerns about anyone who is presenting or practicing as a social worker, but is not registered as a social worker. Concerns about the competence or actions of a non-registered worker need to be directed to their employing organisation.

Persons who are not registered may have not demonstrated to the SWRB that they are fit to practice, and therefore may pose a risk to the public.


If you have concerns about someone presenting as a social worker or practising as a social worker when they are not registered, please contact us (Link 2).

We will follow up on every notification received to ensure that legal requirements are upheld.

So that we can follow up a notification, we do need the following information:

  • information about why you believe that the person presented or practised as a social worker
  • contact details for the person (or the organisation that they work for) so that they can be contacted and given a chance to respond.

Persons who are eligible to be registered will be supported with information on how they can comply with legal requirements.

Further information

You can find further information at:

Index of page links

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