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Latest updates

4 March 2024

Improvements to Te Kāhui Kāhu Online   

Tēnā koutou,   

We're making improvements to our online system, Te Kāhui Kāhu Online, on Monday, 11 March 2024.    

These updates have been designed to improve providers’ experience when using Te Kāhui Kāhu Online.    

We are increasing the size of the text boxes in the provider portal so that providers can type more and expand the textbox to have visibility over the information you type.   

We are adding explanations, definitions and instructions to some of our questions. We hope this will make things clearer for providers and answer any queries they may have as they move through the portal.  

Providers will now have visibility over which standards have evidence attached. If the evidence is incorrectly uploaded before the assessment is submitted, providers will need to delete the evidence.   

Why we're making these changes

Our goal is to create a seamless and user-friendly experience when providers are using the Te Kāhui Kāhu Online portal. These changes are being made in response to provider feedback to improve the user experience.  

We will continue to update our online system to ensure it is secure and easy to use, and will keep providers informed about any changes that impact them.   

If you have any feedback, questions or would like more information, please email us at

Ngā mihi,   
The Team at Te Kāhui Kāhu – Social Services Accreditation 

29 November 2023

Changes to Te Kāhui Kāhu Online

Tēnā koutou,

We're making improvements to our online system, Te Kāhui Kāhu Online, on Monday, 4 December 2023.  

These updates will affect all providers of social services who have an account already set up in the system.  If you don't have an account yet, don't worry, you will be set up at the time of your next review assessment.  

We are introducing a ’request for change’ button in your provider portal. You can use this button to let us know about changes to your situation. We may then get in contact with you to arrange an assessment is one is needed.

If you do not have an account set up in Te Kāhui Kāhu Online yet and need to notify us of any changes, you can continue to get in touch with us at
We’re also introducing a new complaints form, and a new method for you to submit evidence relating to required actions. 

Read more about these changes on our website 

We are continuing to update our online system, including to the login process, to ensure it is secure and easy to use. We’ll keep you informed about any changes that impact you. 

If you have any feedback, questions or would like more information, please email us at

Ngā mihi, 
The Team at Te Kāhui Kāhu – Social Services Accreditation 

14 August 2023

More information about the changes to OSCAR accreditation settings

Tēnā koutou,

As per our 28 July update, we have made some changes to our OSCAR accreditation assessment settings. This update providers more information about the changes. 

These changes follow announcements made earlier this year by the Minister of Social Development, Hon Carmel Sepuloni, to increase income thresholds for the OSCAR subsidy.

We’ve made these changes to enable more OSCAR providers to be eligible for accreditation and remain viable, and provide more choice for families.

Changes to OSCAR accreditation eligibility criteria
We have broadened our eligibility criteria because these were stricter than they needed to be. This change will provide more flexibility for programme operators to meet the needs of their communities.
From 14 July, to be eligible to apply for accreditation, OSCAR providers must:

  • receive some income from parent/caregiver fees or contributions, and
  • operate between 6:30am and 7:00pm.

Previously, in addition to the above criteria, we had other operating requirements. This included requiring before and after school programmes to operate for five days per week from the same venue each day, and after school programmes to operate for a minimum of two hours per day. We also required holiday programmes to operate four weeks per year and for at least one week in each school holiday period. Although these are no longer required for accreditation, some are still required for MSD grant or subsidy funding.

Changes to minimum staff 
We no longer require OSCAR providers to have two staff present, although we still recommend this as good practice and to minimise risk. We also no longer require OSCAR providers to meet a 1:10 onsite or 1:8 offsite ratio, although we still recommend this as well. 

We still expect providers to ensure competent and appropriate supervision of children at all times. But we recognise that there are different ways to achieve this, and the updated guidance in the OSCAR accreditation standard is now clearer on this. 
For example, a safe ratio will depend on the programme plan, activity risk, individual children’s needs and barriers, and staff experience. Activity-based risk assessment and management plans can identify risk and ensure the ratio is appropriate for the activity. 

Providers will be required to demonstrate how they are ensuring competent and appropriate supervision of children at all times, and we will require evidence of this during our accreditation assessments.

We’ve updated our website
We’ve updated our website so it reflects the changes described above. This includes the eligibility check, the guidance for the OSCAR accreditation standard and provider resources.

We’ve improved the way the guidance for all the criteria in the OSCAR accreditation standard is presented, so it continues to set minimum expectations but is less prescriptive, enabling providers flexibility to comply.

What hasn’t changed
We haven’t made any changes to the criteria in the OSCAR accreditation standard, just the guidance on how to meet the criteria.

We haven’t made any changes to the core level 3 accreditation standard or guidance, or the outdoor pursuits and camp programme standard or guidance.

Grant and subsidy funding is still available for approved OSCAR providers, and no changes have been made to funding eligibility criteria. Current contracts will continue as long as all necessary funding conditions continue to be met.

Got questions?
You will be able to discuss these changes with your assessor at your next accreditation assessment. You can also email us at

Ngā mihi

The Team at Te Kāhu Kāhu – Social Services Accreditation

28 July 2023

Changes to guidance for the OSCAR specialist accreditation standard

We have made some improvements to the guidance for the existing OSCAR specialist accreditation standard. We have not made any changes to the requirements in the standard itself, just the guidance on how to meet those requirements. We hope this will enable providers to continue to meet the requirements in the standard, whilst retaining flexibility to operate programmes that meet the needs of their communities.

We have also made some changes to OSCAR resources.
In our enthusiasm for sharing the improved guidance, we published it here on our website before letting providers know about it. We apologise if this has caused any confusion. We will be emailing all providers directly about this very shortly.

If you have any questions, please contact

Ngā mihi

The Team at Te Kāhui Kāhu – Social Services Accreditation

4 October 2022

Back to business as usual

Tēnā koutou

As of 11.59pm on Monday 12 September, the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic lights) has been removed. Self-isolation if you have COVID-19 and wearing a mask in healthcare settings remain.

The rules affecting businesses and workplaces are:

  • It is recommended that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms gets tested.
  • Confirmed cases must isolate for seven days after their symptoms first occurred or they received their positive test result, whichever ends sooner.
  • Masks are required in healthcare facilities including pharmacies, primary care, urgent care, hospitals (including on-site cafés and florists), aged residential care and disability-related residential care. It is not required to wear a face mask at counselling, mental health and addiction settings.

We provided a contactless assessment service to eligible providers to maintain continuity of service during lockdown conditions. That service is no longer available as we return to business-as-usual working conditions. We thank you all for your patience during this period. In the event that lockdown conditions are applied in the future, our contactless assessment service can be reinstated as an aspect of our commitment to provide an agile service to communities.

For further information on the removal of the traffic light system go to Rules for businesses and workers —

If there are any questions please send them through to

Ngā mihi

Utulei Antipas, National Manager Policy Practice and Business Enablement

1 September 2022

Te Kāhui Kāhu Online goes live!

Tēnā koutou   

Today we hit the 'on' switch and made Te Kāhui Kāhu Online go live. As noted in our last update, we have developed resources to support providers in using the new system. Please see below for details and links to all the information you will need to use Te Kāhui Kāhu Online.  

Existing providers

Existing providers with current accreditation won’t need to do anything until they you are due for review. When your review is getting closer we will send an email prompt with all the information you need to get started.

New providers

If a provider is new to the accreditation process, you will need to go through the online eligibility check before you can complete your application. If you are eligible, you will then be guided through the application process.

All providers will need a New Zealand Business Number

Going forward, all accredited providers must have a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) to use Te Kāhui Kāhu Online, as the system needs this unique identifier. All organisations that supply services as a business are legally required to have an NZBN under the New Zealand Business Number Act 2016.

Most providers will already have a NZBN, and for those that don't it is easy to apply for one online.

Resources and support

We have developed resources to support providers through the new process of signing into and using Te Kāhui Kāhu Online.

If you have any questions or need more information, you can get in touch with us by email.

Please share this with colleagues who may need this information as well.  

Ngā mihi

The Team at Te Kāhui Kāhu – Social Services Accreditation

23 August 2022

Launch of Te Kāhui Kāhu Online Accreditation System

Tēnā Koe

We are moving into an exciting new phase at Te Kāhui Kāhu – Social Services Accreditation with the launch of Te Kāhui Kāhu Online on 1st of September 2022.

This is a new online system that will be used to manage the accreditation process, meaning that providers will be able to upload their documents and information about their organisation directly into this system, and have greater visibility and engagement throughout the process.

For existing providers with current accreditation, you won’t need to do anything until your organisation is due for review. When your review is getting closer you will receive an email prompt with all the information you need to get started. If you are new to the accreditation process and need to apply, this can all be done through the system which will guide providers though our eligibility and application process using Te Kāhui Kāhu online.

We will have resources to support these changes and guide you through the new process of signing into and using Te Kāhui Kāhu online, with further information to come out as these become available on our website . In the meantime we have attached an overview and FAQ that should answer some of your immediate queries.

We look forward to working with you in Te Kāhui Kāhu Online.

Ngā mihi

The Team at Te Kāhui Kāhu – Social Services Accreditation.

24 February 2022

Te Kāhui Kāhu response in Phase 2 and Phase 3

Tēnā koutou

With the recent movement under the COVID Protection Framework to Phase 2 of the Red traffic Light system and the forthcoming move to Phase 3, Te Kāhui Kāhu has formed a response to the new settings. The following changes ensure that we can protect our staff as well as you, our community service providers. These changes also reflect our understanding of the pressure that many of you are currently under with delivering front-line and urgent Covid-19 response services.

If you have an assessment in progress then you can expect your Assessor to be reaching out shortly to help guide you through the changes.

The key changes to our accreditation process under Phase 2 and Phase 3 are highlighted below:

  1. All scheduled Level 1 to 3 review assessments will now be completed as contactless assessments. These will be done with the use of attestation forms and collaboration technologies such as email, voice calls and MS Teams virtual meetings.
  2. If it is deemed necessary, reviews will be considered for a site visit on a case-by-case basis. This will only be approved after an Accreditation Manager has considered all factors.
  3. All initial applications will be deferred unless the provider and an Accreditation Manager are amenable to a site visit. The contactless assessment process may be considered for initial assessments if supported by an Accreditation Manager.
  4. Approved site visits will only be allocated to an Assessor residing within the same region of residence. This is to reduce the risks posed by travel and accommodation.

All other accreditation processes and assessment activities will remain unchanged.

If there are any questions please send them through to

Ngā mihi

Utulei Antipas, National Manager Policy Practice and Business Enablement

Last updated: