Maintaining Accreditation

Find out how accredited organisations can maintain their accreditation

How to maintain accreditation

There are certain things an organisation needs to do to maintain accreditation. 

They must:

  • meet their obligations, and
  • have regular accreditation assessments.

Obligations you have to meet

You must:

  • continue to meet the accreditation standards
  • tell us about changes to your organisation.

Accreditation assessments

Your organisation needs to be regularly assessed to show us you’re still meeting the standards. How often you have these assessments depends on your accreditation level and the outcome of your last assessment. 

Accreditation levels and compliance

When it’s time for your assessment, we’ll be in touch with you. You’ll need to complete a questionnaire and send this to us with any information we ask for. An assessor will check you still meet the compliance level and may visit your site as part of that process.

Accreditation assessment process

Removing accreditation

If organisations don’t maintain their accreditation, it may be removed.

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