Accreditation outcomes

After an accreditation assessment, your organisation will get an assessment report to let you know the outcome

Assessment outcomes

The final result of your accreditation assessment could be that:

  • Your organisation has gained (or kept) accreditation
  • Your organisation's accreditation is not yet confirmed, or
  • Your organisation did not gain accreditation.

Your organisation has gained (or kept) accreditation

There are two outcomes which mean you have gained (or kept) your accreditation:

  • Confirmation of Accreditation - this means your organisation has met the accreditation standards.
  • Accreditation with Required Actions - this means your organisation has partially met the accreditation standards. There are actions you need to take. 

Your organisation's accreditation is not yet confirmed

There is one outcome which means that your accreditation is not yet confirmed. This means your accreditation will be pending.  

  • Confirmation of Accreditation PENDING completion of critical actions – this means your organisation has not met the accreditation standards. You must complete critical actions by the dates given. This is so we can confirm accreditation. If you don't complete them within the specified timeframe, we may suspend or revoke your accreditation.

Suspension process

Your organisation did not gain accreditation

The outcome that means your organisation did not gain accreditation is:

  • Accreditation declined: Your accreditation application is declined if the first assessment does not meet the standards. 

About the assessment report

At the end of the assessment process for accreditation, your organisation will get an assessment report.
What you will see in your report:

  • the outcome of your assessment
  • a short summary of your assessment
  • any actions you need to take.

You'll be able to see how your organisation performed against each standard.

We will also detail the evidence we looked at in assessing each standard. 

Areas of note in your report

In your report we'll note any exceptions to the standards. This could include:

  • critical actions
  • required actions
  • recommended actions
  • organisational strengths.

Critical actions

A critical action is raised if there is a serious safety hazard or an unacceptable level of risk. This must be corrected by the organisation.

Accreditation will be on hold if there is an outstanding critical action.

You will need to fix these within an allocated timeframe. The timeframe will depend on what the critical action is, up to a maximum period of 30 working days.

Required actions

A required action is an area where the standard is not being met. It is not considered a serious safety hazard or unacceptable level of risk.

Required actions must be corrected by the next review assessment for your organisation. Or if this is your first assessment, required actions must be completed before we can grant accreditation. 

Recommended actions

Recommended actions are areas we have noted where the organisation could make an improvement. It is up to the organisation whether they implement a recommendation.

A recommendation does not affect your assessment outcome. It is offered to strengthen your organisation’s practice.

Organisational strengths

We'll report on strengths that we've identified, if you've surpassed the compliance requirements for the standard.

If you do not agree with your accreditation outcome

If you think there are any areas of your assessment report that are inaccurate, let us know.

You'll need to email us and let us know what you don't agree with. You need to do this within 10 working days of receiving your assessment report.

You can email your assessor directly or email us at

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