Your obligations while you’re accredited

Find out what obligations your organisation has as an accredited social services provider

Obligations you have to meet

There are certain obligations you have to meet to keep your accreditation.

You must:

  • continue to meet the accreditation standards
  • tell us about changes to your organisation.

Continue to meet accreditation standards

Your organisation must have regular accreditation assessments to show you're still meeting the standards.

Tell us about changes to your organisation

You need to tell us about any changes that affect your organisation’s accreditation, such as a change:

  • of ownership
  • of legal status i.e. a sole trader becoming a limited liability company
  • of address, including any service delivery sites and branches
  • of contact details
  • to programmes/services
  • resulting in your organisation not meeting the Social Sector Accreditation Standards (SSAS).

You need to let us know if there’s a serious incident involving a client or staff member.

How to tell us

Email us at

What changes may mean for your accreditation

If you make any changes to your organisation, it could affect your accreditation. It depends what change you make.

Change of ownership

If your organisation changes ownership, you’ll need to reapply for accreditation. Accreditation is not transferable.

Change of legal status

Accreditation is against the legal entity of the organisation. If your organisation is changing its legal status, please talk to us about what this may mean for your accreditation:

Change of address, including any service delivery sites and branches

If your organisation has an address change, we’ll update our records. We may also do a site visit to ensure health and safety standards are being met.

Change of contact details

If your organisation has a change to their contact details, we’ll update our records.

Change of Programmes/services

If your organisation has a change of programme or service, we need to check that you are still at the right level of accreditation.

Levels of accreditation and compliance

No longer meeting the standards

If you are no longer meeting the accreditation standards, we can give you advice on what to do to meet them.
You may want to relinquish accreditation so you don’t get suspended/revoked.

Removing accreditation

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