If there are issues or concerns raised about an organisation’s accreditation, it may be suspended or revoked
The steps below outline the process for accreditation suspension and revocation.
If the issue is very serious, or there are concerns for people’s safety and wellbeing, we may revoke your organisation's accreditation immediately.
We’ll send a letter to your organisation to let you know your accreditation has been suspended and why.
If your organisation is at accreditation Level 1, 2 or 3, your suspension/revocation may be published in the New Zealand Gazette.
Your organisation will have 60 working days to write a response to address our concerns. This will need to address the actions we want corrected, so that your organisation will meet the standards.
This will include:
An accreditation assessor and senior Te Kāhui Kāhu staff member will review your response. We may also come out to visit your site so that we can see the changes you have made in action.
We’ll decide whether the issues have been resolved and let you know the outcome of the investigation.
The outcome will be that your organisation will either:
If your accreditation is revoked, we’ll send you a letter confirming this.
If your organisation is at accreditation Level 1, 2 or 3, your revocation will be published in the New Zealand Gazette.
Suspension and revocation are serious and will impact your organisation's contracts and funding.
This could mean:
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